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John Eitel


Crystalline Grid … Locked In

It’s here; and I must say that I can hardly believe it! After 15 yrs of mayhem, destruction and loss … Justice flows to those who have been crying and panting on the floor wondering “Why Me” and “Why was I ever Born”.
This is not a respite until more shows up. This is the END of the BEGINNING in all of our lives. During the Second World War, Winston Churchill told the British people that the war was now turning in their favor. With that welcomed news was a phrase that has stuck with me all these years. He said in a tone of caution; “This is not the End of the War, not even the beginning of the End of the War. But it is the End of the Beginning”. And so it is with us.
If you are alive and reading this … Congratulations! You made it. We are in the very very early steps of the “New Earth” Eckhart Tolle spoke about in his book of the same name The New Earth. And I want you to know that if you are here at this moment in time on Earth you are the envy of many personalities in your higher collective.
Since 2012, the Energies of light (information) have been increasing and enlightenment has led (read forced) us through a purging and cleansing that if we had known about, I am sure we all would have refused. But we didn’t know and didn’t refuse. This shedding (read ripping) of our 3D persona has been part of the process of getting Authentic. Being Authentic is the unfiltered truth and Understanding about our lives and our part in it; and is the baseplate of all learning and expansion. Without it … we remain in darkness. Finding our true messed up Selves in the Mayhem of the last decade or so felt like crap, but soon all that hate, anger and self-pity will fade to Gratitude. Trust me … it was all worth it … and I know I am talking Big here, and swore I would never say that this life was worth the pain; but what I have to share with you is beyond words.
I have often held back on what I have come to know because I don’t want to sound too crazy or way out there. But that time is now over. That kind of reluctance was indicative of my 3D fear and ego.
Here we go. For the Traveller and student of the higher mind you know that there has been a Veil of chaos and confusion (3D) that separates our higher mind and higher Selves (5D) from the 3rd dimensional world we have chosen to live in. For the last 25,000 yrs that has been the case. This separation (veil) has been almost impenetrable and very few saw any light from the other side. That veil was, for all those years the construct of a Carbon based ethereal substance that repelled light (information) laden with the Truth and Clarity. The light to decipher the reason for our lives was not accessible to the Human mind; but now it is flowing and open.
Since December 2012, there has been a process (everything is a Process) of transforming that Carbon material, in an ethereal way, to Crystalline. The importance of this is clear. And that’s it… its clear. The black carbon substance that could refuse all light and stale the air of expansion has been replaced with a clear beautiful Crystal like substance that reflects the light and magnifies it to the receiving mind as it passes through. Nothing needs to be deciphered any more. The words of light are clear, present and available for use immediately. The promise of Alchemical magic is here and offered as a matching of the human vibration as the vibration rises to receive its prize. The prize is the manifestation of all your dreams and more. It’s already in the bank; and the interest paid, comes in the form of “Greater than your wildest imagination”.
This is so important I want to say it in another way. In all the days before this, we would encounter mind numbing problems and we would be on the ground weak from searching for a way out; but remained with “no answers” and none in sight. We now can breathe easy as “all the information of the Universe” is available for your consideration as the Crystalline Grid allows all and more than you can fathom at any one time on any subject you care to consider. Problems (contrast) will appear to travel to you in a box, with the answers taped to the outside of them. From a place of observation you will approach any “contrast” (problems) in your life with the confidence you would have in picking something up and handing it to someone who could not quite reach the object of desire. That someone is You. You … the facilitator, you the self-healer, you the Leader of your life. Who knows you like You? A few trips around this block and you won’t care what anybody thinks or how they run their own lives (Sovereign Space). You will see and feel that anything outside of your Space is not your business. Your Space will be so secure you will secretly smile as your I AM comes into Being at the forefront ushering in new light for a new time, on a new Earth … for a new You. Don’t look over your shoulder for the Calvary to come. Look in the mirror. It is You whom you have been waiting for. You are the hero of your story; as it was always meant to be. It was the counting on the system, the family, our heroes and the need to fit in that has either sucked out our creative process or polluted our Sovereign space, with the belief system of strangers, that can’t possibly improve our plight to Peace within.
The Alchemical Age is here as well. Man the hits keep coming. Anything the mind can conceive can now show up in your 3D reality. When an inspirational thought comes into our mind now, it will come with some resonance and weight. That thought, once considered and approved by … guess who… You, will then take on a thought form (more solid and tangible), your thought form is then run through your existing Belief System for discernment. (See the importance of continually revamping our belief systems). Once that part is satisfied this thought form then becomes our Will.
The Conscious Human Will is the most powerful event on this Earth.
From this emotional commitment destinies are realized. Lifetime dreams fall into place as the Divine Human takes his place at the top of Creation to “reign” in his/her calling of having Dominion over All the Earth. This is all done from the 18” of energetic space that surrounds your body. A veritable cylinder like space that you live and operate from. This Sacred space should be kept in the most “pristine” condition as this is the food for thought that you choose to consider. The vibration of Truth and Life surrounds your body with the power to manifest anything you need or want in this life; as it operates from this Sacred space that we have ignored for at least, one lifetime. Trillions upon trillions of sub atomic particles containing the “wisdom of the ages” now swirl around you, right now in this Sovereign Space waiting like a Smorgasbord to be called in to use as You see fit. As you can see … we have total control. Total artistic licence to do anything you want. Create anything in your life from Nothing. Gods you say?? … You damned right I Do.
This new Understanding allows the collaborative effects of God within. You are a Sovereign Being; an extension of pure positive energy, You are the very breathe of life. We are inextricably connected to “All that Is” (God) as a Son or Daughter. We are not slaves or subjects to anything. We are the creators of everything on Earth that Nature (gaia) did not supply. That includes the creation of other Humans, as in our children. Who can create life in its highest Earthly form if not a god of some kind? We are here as collaborators and representatives of the Most High in thought and deed. We walk and think in the image, of a power that fears nothing, for it is Everything. And Everything is Everything. We are to roam this beautiful blue planet as owners and purveyors of all that is here. Walking tall and certainly not begging and thanking some august power for the privilege to be alive. Speaking of ourselves as such lowly subjects is really an affront to the entire Human Creation process. This magnificent process should be honored as we should be honored. We are an extension of Life and the Creator of the same. The depth of our understanding and the height of our ability know no boundaries; as all things are possible in this New Earth. This new day shines as we bask in the light of Crystal Diamonds delivered in the gentle breeze of Human/God love and respect for all that we Are … and all that IS.
Yin and Yang. Masculine and Feminine. Acceptance and Detachment. Good and bad … positive and negative. None wrong… all necessary. Can you feel the okayness and Oneness with all of this. These are the things that appear to make life complicated but we are highly complex Beings. These kinds of decisions are child’s play for the Enlightened mind in this enlightened new era. The body can only hold one Vibration (emotion) at a time. There are only two Vibrations to choose from .. Positive or Negative. Do you think your god-like self, who creates Human Life, builds cities and sends people to the moon; can make the right choice here?
Yes … if it is the calm of the day in your mind.

In this new Crystalline era, students will learn at warp speed. What it took me since 1999 to get in the Carbon era, just past, will be accelerated to hasten this new long awaited Time. It is times like this moment when the menial words of our vocabulary and language frustrate my intention to be Crystal clear and give this exciting time its due, so that you may be inspired to follow the path less travelled. The unknown is friendly to the searching soul, as the price of admission … has been PAID. All is well!
A brand spanking new life is available for you right now … no matter the age. For those with an ear … let them hear. Your old life is now passed away. It is the End of a cruel Beginning. There is no War to be over … collaboration with your true nature will change the world in the times ahead as more people come to this conclusion and the masses create the necessary enlightened Consciousness for global change to a golden age. Respect will return to all the Tribes of Men and an innately intelligent Peace will form as we celebrate our tribal uniqueness’s on the shared platform of Humanity.
On a closing note today, I want to share something personal with you. I don’t say the following to impress you … but to impress upon you that this is a very special time in history for you and actually all of Creation wherever that may be. I am a very (trust me) ordinary Man, and for many reasons am glad to see the End of the Beginning of my life. In recent years I have searched with tears in my eyes to find a higher meaning. It was this emotional commitment and belief that this life was much more than I was experiencing at the time. I was right, even though I often thought I would never utter those words; so very much had gone wrong.
I have been wandering around in my head and my life trying to find a purpose for my existence since my wife passed in 2011. Completely unsettled I have tried to augment the missing parts of my joy in my Writing over these recent years, not only to share … but to learn. As I searched for help outside I found none. Then forced back inside alone, first out of fear and censure; that later softened and evolved to safety and pure positive love for myself. I can’t tell you how difficult that was for me. My life defeats became my shield of experience and guide of discernment. My shame morphed to pride of having taken it like a Man … in Silence, once again.
I AM a Man. I AM a Man like none other I know. This winter the reason for my existence came to me as gently as a Sea breeze, in the day… in the Silence.
All of the fighting, sickness and fear that I had experienced in my life; was just that… sick fear. My next communique’ to you I will share my direction and my destiny for my time left. You will be very impressed to see what can be done with a “worthless pound of Clay”. Throw me to the Wolves and I will return … leading the Pack!
I am an old man by the youthful standards of this world. Ready to be set aside as a burden until I get the good sense to follow my wife. I will always love you my dearest … Iola (my deceased wife) … but you won’t be seeing me for quite a while. I have found something to do here … actually this upcoming part of my life shall be my grandest accomplishment. Just cheer for me … sweet girl… like always!

And so it is…


Big People Live Here!!

The last five years have been some interesting times of purging and perhaps being purged. All the parts that didn’t fit finally fell off. Good News, even if WE were the ones being purged. Many reading this will feel the pain of being “left behind and disenfranchised” from work, friends and even family. Our constant wondering if it could get any worse was the catalyst that brought us the impossible … worse. If however we were to truly examine this with an open mind, it is a backhanded way of letting us know that the direction of our thoughts and the tremendous power of what the Human mind can conceive, is truly powerful and is available for us to form the life we want. When we continually consider our lives as emotional death spirals, they actually became one. Not pleasant … but check the real Power.
Our Oneness with the Universe and our natural ability to “create a world” to live in, just by what we think, speak and feel has brought us here. It may look like a train wreck but it’s not! We are still on the right side of the grass and in one piece … broken hearts can’t count here. They can’t count because we can see all that happened; we see from a place of observation … now. We can see it now because we are spent with emotion. There is no more fight and there can’t be any more tears, as we now look at our lives without the “emotion” of what happened … we see only the result and our part in it all, as surely we were involved.
Here is the good news for all who have had a rough ride lately. Here you are. There is something new about you and how you see yourself. Those who have been searching for years to find “it” are now learning that “it” has always been there, with us. The Phoenix that rises when we turn to face life rises in us. Even if it is something from the outside that triggers our return to control and planning our way. That is what the outside is for. To create an emotion that will create a thought and a plan to expand our ability to live the adventures we are here to experience.
What has been lacking is the “Self Love” in all this. Many are hurt because they feel betrayed by those who they trusted their lives too. Looking closely we might find that it was us “hanging on” to them for our own reasons and to be honest, should have let go a long time ago. Trusting in ourselves, inside the parameters of our own life, is what this Power is for. Ignoring this mechanism to try to follow someone else’s journey will not work. It was never intended to be that way.

Oh well … so What? Better late than never. The maturity of Awareness dries the tears and strengthens the core of who we are.
Awareness becomes acute when we indulge in Self Love/Respect. Like being tossed at Sea in a violent storm on a three mast ship and you were the only one on board; and being thrown onto a Deserted Island alone. There will be someone to come and rescue you by boat … but they will pick up a different person than the One that left the shores in the first place.
Awareness leads the senses and intellect into a stand that feels strong and with nothing to lose. This is not a desperate or a last stand to the death, “nothing to lose”; it’s purposeful to create the future of change with the new reality of what truly is. This acceptance steels the will and accepts “what is” as a matter of fact and not a matter bad luck or shame.
It is more a signal of a change in your new Modus Operandi … responsible for yourSELF, and only too yourSELF. The turmoil and the violent battle at Sea was the fight … this is the Calm. Can you feel it?
Things change. This was not an assault against you … it was a purging to get everyone into their Authentic roles. That is what 2014 was all about. The year of the Chinese Wooden Horse started running at the end of the first quarter of 2014 and did not stop until mid-December. Its terrible rumble shook loose anything that was not firmly attached and in your corner.
You are not alone… see yourself as free. When was the last time all you had to do was take care of yourself? Getting to know yourself will be much more rewarding than you think. You are waaayyy cool. Once you see/feel this about yourself … others will too. Your new presence will not go by unnoticed. The fact that you have emerged on this new landscape, looking refreshed from the lessened load and understanding now that what you Think, feel and say about your life makes it happen in REAL TIME. That is Alchemy. That’s the Law of Attraction… Built in … can’t shut it off … won’t stop working. It got you here, it got you through, and it will take you wherever your positive attitude will Allow.
It is here where we must remember that the body can only hold one vibration at a time. There are only two vibrations to choose from; Positive or Negative. Seems simple … but it will take a conscious effort to not fall into old patterns.
If nothing changes… nothing changes. You don’t want to get back on that boat do you? Accept the change that you are. Live the Change that you are! Love and respect what it took to make these changes in you. Gratitude all around… even for the crap that pointed you here.
For most of us the Deep Fear is gone. Check it … it’s not there. There used to be this deep sickening feeling about most things. Concern that somehow you would find a way to screw this all up, with a choir singing back up of “I told you So”. It was never as bad as you thought it was going to be. Those daze are gone. We understand detachment as we have seen that it is the only way to survive the emotional train wreck living in the past can be.
And for “overachievers” who were actually capable of … Screwing it Up … we saw the opportunity and seized the moment. Yessir yessir … We mashed it up so bad that it could not have been done better/worse if we planned it. It wasn’t planned but here it is. At the very base of it all, whatever it was, it was just a mistake. Okay maybe a series of mistakes … a couple of wrong turns … they happen.
So What…Big Deal…we paid the price…we are not crying… Big People Live Here!!
Do you see? You can’t do it wrong. It was the path chosen by you to learn these lessons to the core.
Actually there is no Right or Wrong…. Only Short and Long. You see when we make a decision or choose a path it is either the short way to the perceived goal or it is the long way. Sometimes (maybe often) we must take the LONG (wrong) way to actually learn the lessons that must be learned in this life’s journey and Sacred Contract that we have. The “long way” is fraught with unusual characters and sleepless nights and head holding concern, but, we always get there or somewhere and we are still very much in the game of Life. Sometimes (maybe less often) we take the “short” (right) way to our solution and we are very very grateful. But then we think we just got lucky. But it isn’t luck … it’s the performance we get when we calmly approach our own lives with ourselves in mind.
So many things go into our decisions in life that we are unaware of. We all develop personal Belief Systems that we gather from our lives. These belief systems are started as soon as we can talk and walk. The often no longer serve their purpose and should be discarded from our “decision process”. Personal reward, Ego, Family needs etc. These are all natural events and part of what we are here to figure out and find the Balance. There is no mountain to climb; only a center to hold.
Face your life as the Human Truth … accept your part in it all and it will shrink before your truthful admission. There is so much power in the truth. The authentic truth will make everything clear and offer the most credible path.
Here is somethings I have found … as I was an Overacheiver… that now serve me well.
1. Give from a loving heart, not looking for reward or recognition… because no good deed shall go unpunished. (It’s just life, no judgement)
2. I AM my first consideration in all things now. What I do for myself I do for the World. (This one was a tough one to learn)
3. Learn what is your business and what is not. If it doesn’t affect my breathing it is not My Business. i.e .. What other people think of me … Is not my Business.
4. And finally …. DO NO HARM. (Never purposely hurt or destroy from anger or revenge)… walk away… expanded and whole.
And so it is.


A Place to “Reason” Out Life

Ital Place of Reasoning Logo

The Ital Place of Reasoning is a most wonderful place. It’s a learning center for Illiterate Adults in Negril, Jamaica. A place to come to Understand  more than study, to “Reason together” for explanations to why things happen and why life struggles in its process.

Not being able to read or write makes for a very small world. Relegated to small areas of travel, the same people, same dialogue, same complaints and the same outcomes.  The sage saying “if nothing changes … nothing changes” is true. It was Einstein that said,  “Expecting a different result from continuing to do the same thing” is insanity. That’s what we offer at the Ital Place of Reasoning… different thinking… different dialogue … personal responsibility.

Jamaica suffers from a high crime rate of murders and personal injury. This is easily understood when one considers the social input that an orderly education provides young people. If you are in school with a set of children from kindergarten to graduation, you virtually live with that student community for many years. As children, you argue, disagree, stop talking and become friends again. You share precious moments of sadness and joy, passing and failing, triumph and loss with each other; learning empathy and connection to the Human elements we all share. Graduation into the work force makes us colleagues to share commerce and life with each other for the rest of our lives. This is a powerful source of confidence and problem solving.

However, if that experience is non existent in one’s life, it doesn’t take long to start to feel the difference and the inadequacies in contrast. It cost money to go to grade school in Jamaica and if Mothers have to choose between school and food for all the children and themselves the decision not to go to school becomes easy. Generations of this can easily become the norm and a consciousness forms. This is where the “underbelly” forms. Desperate people do desperate things. Frightened people do frightening things. Its easy to see how desperate and frightened one can become in a fast moving world of literacy and digital advances and you standing on the outside of it all. 

Confusion about the Government and law enforcement provides the thoughts of a grand scheme against them. No jobs, no food and too many children cause stress between Men and Women often leaving the Women with the burden onto themselves and grandparents. This is common.

The most important lesson that is missed by not attending school is … because of the lack of interaction throughout their life in the “ups and downs” they miss the natural skills of “Conflict Resolution”. When a desperate life is managed by a frightened mind that sees few options, as they say in Jamaica …. “Tings happen”.  It is easy to find someone or something to blame for the trouble that sits before them. Their natural unschooled notion if they eliminate the perceived problem, the problem will cease to exist is a common solution.

At the Ital Place of Reasoning we talk about these events. We consider real life, real time events of mischief and mayhem because they always exist. We Reason Together the alternative actions that could be taken instead of the ones that will certainly ruin everyone’s life who is involved. And, because they are one of the lives in question … they listen. We talk about Positive and Negative Energy and its importance in all our lives. We talk about relationships, personal responsibility, jobs, money, children, the government and police.

We provide a one stop shop as an Advocate for those who are taken advantage of in commerce or law, because they cannot read what they have been presented. We teach a tourist etiquette that will serve them well in tourist season in their shops and efforts to benefit from the influx during the winter months.

There are no books or computers … there is no point. My class members are adults such as 45 yr old taxi men, 50 yr old small shop keepers, 20 yr old young men and women who are looking for something… anything to improve; and of course the homeless who are manifold. Our services are free to the people and we provide a free meal to all who attend our Sessions.

The Ital Place of Reasoning is a good corporate citizen, an active member of the Negril Chamber of Commerce and approved by the Negril Constabulary.

Please check us out at for our story and updates. You can donate to help us if this feels like something you believe is a worthy cause.



About John Eitel

Now that I am comfortably over 60 … its time to live. Living for me is now sharing what I have come here to know with all who will listen. Who will listen? Only those who hear/feel the nuance of truth and resonance in their own lives. That’s the perfect number.
My Teachings are all based on the real Law of Attraction, the most powerful consciousness available to the Human Being on this earth. While I am happy for the acclaim and word recognition the Law has received in the past, the actual truth of the Law of Attraction has been watered down in the name of commerce.
Understanding the Law of Attraction and its Energetic reality will change any life at the speed of thought, and most important; will explain every event, cause and outcome in our lives up until now. To me that was a place of great solace and life giving Power.
After a life time of doing it all wrong, making all the mistakes, hitting every wall, to find out now that it was all Me that was the cause … was very reassuring. Finding out that in a real way, in real time I had the power to cause my life to be the way it was was very good news. Why?…because it told me that there was no one or no thing out there to taunt, hurt or kill me. No external authority or foreign consciousness was in a strategic plot on my life. There was just me, the Author of my life.
The constant looking over my shoulder for an unseen enemy, the constant vigilance to protect myself and my family caused my energetic attention to always be prepared for the worst… and so the worst came.
While this may feel frightening, in my more enlightened mind, I see how many times this was the Universal tap on the shoulder that we all get. The tap is an effort and guidance for us to look inward, where truth is found, and to just step back from all of the outward imaginary plots and threats that we have created. For we are the Creators of our very own lives on Earth.
As the Carbon veil is lifted and the Crystalline put in place, Teachers such me will begin to show up all over the world. We are the Wayshowers to a new age. We cannot change anything except our own lives. But we can Show You the Way to yourself … and once there… ye shall be as gods.

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